So why substrate bags over Jars.
The instant advantage of bags over jars is the fact that the bags are pliable, This means that you can mix the contents very easily.
Grain can be broken up in a Jar with a lot of banging and shaking around. Whilst all the time worrying about breaking the glass and slicing off a finger. Most compound substrates such as Brf and Hpoo bulk substrate can not be broken up in jars and so you must wait for the mycelium to slowly colonise the substrate on its own. This means having jars of 500ml of smaller or things stall out.
With bags you can Massively speed up the colonisation process by mixing the mycelium ball up with the rest of the substrate at day seven (After seeing signs of life). Doing so will allow the broken up mycelium points to colonise 1-4lbs of substrate only another 7-14 days.
These Bags can also be used to fruit 1-2lbs cakes made of any substrate with the addition of a 5mm vermiculite casing layer and this is refered to as fruiting direct from the bag.
Cakes can be birthed, Dunked, Rolled in verm and fruited in a Shotgun Fruiting chamber. Pf TEK
Cakes can be broken up and use to transfer to bulk substrate.
Type: Gusseted
Material: 3.0 Mil Polypropylene
Bag Size: 5″ X 4″ X 18″
Filter Type: T
Filter Size: 1.5″X1.5″
Filter Pore Size: 0.2 microns
Filter Hole: Style L
This bag includes an injection port. So the home user can Inject the Mushroom Spore Solution directly into the bag. The Spores would then germinate and colonise the substrate inside the bag. Treat the bag in a similar fasion to Jars.
This side-gusseted breathable bag gives a sturdy stand-up bag after filling and a strong bottom seal. Unicorn Bags are pliable at any temperature as well as after sterilization. The bag opening is designed for easy sealing and the bag’s bottom seal can withstand agitation.
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SKU: SQ3417755
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